My World

I tried and tried to make this work. I followed the directions, and of course the very last step doesn’t work. Every time I attempt to post the SoundSlides htm, wordpress changes it for some reason, and it won’t post.

To view my project, please click this link – MY WORLD

A – Z: Reading Terminal Market

For this assignment I decided to focus on one location, Reading Terminal Market. I assumed that I would be able to find every letter of the alphabet, and I hoped to focus on taking pictures of groups of each letter’s  item. It was not the smartest idea to go on Saturday, Valentine’s Day, as I had never seen so many people in the market, especially around the chocolate stalls, but I feel that I was successful.


A is for Amish Dolls


B is for Brownies

C is for Candles

D is for Desserts

E is for Eggs

F is for Fish

G is for Gyro

H is for Honey Sticks

I is for Iris

J is for JUMBO Shrimp

K is for Kiwi

L is for Loofahs

M is for Marzipan Fruits

N is for Nuts

O is for Octopus

P is for Pig’s Feet

Q is for Quinces

R is for Roast Coffee Beans

S is for Sun

T is for Tulips

U is for Utensils

V is for Veal Patties

W is for Wheel

X is for

Y is for Yams

Z is for Zucchinis

Philadelphia Zoo : Mapping Chestnut Street

When given the task of mapping a street in Philadelphia, with a general theme, I debated between focusing on Filthadelphia or animals in a big  city. I thought that trying to find signs of animals on every block would possibly be more of an interesting challenge, and considering the fantastic weather, I figured it would be a better opportunity to find animals. Throughout my journey I noticed that there were less and less actual live animals as I went west, as I relied heavily on the abundance of Valentine’s day displays. This is the one time in my life I was relieved to find so many decorations for the holiday of commercial love.
So, although people may say that there aren’t many animals in Philadelphia, I tried to prove different.



























Strangers at the Art Museum


Michael Anderson has been living in Philadelphia for 57 years, his entire life. Appearing somewhat disheveled, and yet wearing a suit, he told me his reasons for being at the Art Museum that day. He stated that he was trying to raise money as a colon cancer survivor, to walk in a Cancer walk that would be taking place soon. He went on to tell me that he had raised almost $30,000 dollars for the walk, he was just $17 dollars away. I’m not sure if this was all just an elaborate plan for making some money, but I gave Michael a dollar and he happily obliged for a picture. When asked about his likes and dislikes for Philadelphia, Anderson said that he enjoyed the historical sites the most, but he least enjoyed certain neighborhoods.


I next met Rick Birkmeyer who was just visiting Philadelphia for the day. He came from Delaware with his wife, and after a bit of pleading, he agreed to have his picture taken. When Rick visits Philadelphia, he enjoys the restaurants the city has to offer. He least likes the traffic.


Diane Haydon moved to Philadelphia in 1985, and soon after fell in loved with it. Diane was eager to have her picture taken, and happy to learn more about the project. She listed many things she loved about Philadelphia, including the immense cultural opportunities, the great restaurants, and the general feeling of vibrancy in such an intimate city. While there is not much that Diane doesn’t like about Philadelphia, she wishes the city was less dirty.


After several unsuccessful requests, I was able to coerce a grumpy man named Pete for a picture. Pete didn’t want to provide his name, and wouldn’t really stop for a picture so our interview was on the go. Pete said that he wasn’t from Philadelphia, just visiting, and didn’t want to say where he was coming from. He said his favorite things about Philadelphia were cheese steaks, and he was not a fan of Philadelphia‘s dirt. I think the picture reflects his impatience.


Kelly was visiting Philadelphia for the weekend. She lives and attends high school in Connecticut. Although she had just arrived, she enjoyed the Rocky steps, and noted that she felt quite victorious conquering them. Kelly stated that she wished it was warmer in Philadelphia, as she had only brought a light coat thinking it would be much warmer.


Richard came all the way from Essex, England. He had arrived the previous evening, and was only staying in Philadelphia for a few days before he headed to New York City. Richard’s previous thoughts about Philadelphia consisted of Tom Hanks’ film and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Richard liked that Philadelphia was exactly what he thought it would be. He said that he didn’t find anything he disliked about Philadelphia, but after some deep thinking he decided that the homeless was the worst part, although he thought it was a problem in every American city. After I helped Richard tape a reenactment of the infamous scene in Rocky, he went on his way to see the Liberty Bell.


Kate moved to Philadelphia about a year ago to work. She loves the Art Museum and visits as often as she can. She least enjoys the crime in Philadelphia.


Jessica came into Philadelphia on a spontaneous road trip with two friends from school. She was only staying for the day, and is originally from Maryland. She thought that everything in Philadelphia was cool looking as opposed to Baltimore. She did not like the freezing temperatures, however made sure to take off her scarf and hat for the picture.


Meghan is originally from Virginia and traveled with Jessica to Philadelphia. She thought that Philadelphia was pretty and very culturally diverse. She liked all of the flags that lined the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. She believed that she hadn’t been in Philadelphia long enough to have any dislikes.


Cara was the last of the three friends I got to photograph. She was also visiting from Maryland. In contrast to Baltimore, she liked all the high-rises, and the Philadelphia Skyline, something she was not used to seeing. She thought it was a bit disappointing seeing how broken down some areas of Philadelphia was.


Maria Archella has been living in Philadelphia for 6 months, after just graduating college and trying to find some work in the city. She didn’t like her photograph taken, and she absolutely hated looking into the lens. She likes Philadelphia people, but she was very passionate about her dislike for the roads, and how they ruined cars (she knows this from personal experience).


Madison was visiting Maria for about a week, arriving in from Seattle that day. Madison loved that it was easy to get around Philadelphia, and that a car wasn’t necessary to see all the sites. Madison was enjoying her visit to Philadelphia, but wished that is was warmer.


Eileen Short, lives just over the bridge in New Jersey, and visits Philadelphia regularly; today to visit the Art Museum with a friend. She most enjoys the historical sites that Philadelphia has to offer. When asked what she disliked about Philadelphia, she was quick to reply that she didn’t like the unions.


Nadine Schwartz has lived in Philadelphia for 40 years, almost all of her life. She most enjoys the arts that Philadelphia has to offer, especially at the Art Museum. She dislikes the dirt, and hopes that eventually something will be done about it.